What is the process to register for service from SenPay?
- You need to provide the Business license and bank account number.
- In addition, depending on your business type, SenPay may require additional relevant licenses and documents.
What kind of fees?
- Fees include registration fees, monthly fees, and transaction fees.
- Please contact the SenPay sales department for more information.
How does SenPay support integration?
- SenPay platform is available on many popular platforms such as WordPress, Magento, Shopify,…
Depending on the website language, SenPay will provide suitable technical information for integration. - For details, please contact us at [email protected].
What are solution of SenPay to ensure card information security?
- SenPay processes online transactions securely on the internet. Card information is protected during transactions using the TLS protocol. The TLS protocol encrypts card information during the transaction.
- In addition, SenPay also uses many other software and algorithms to ensure data security.
Does SenPay have tools to manage transachtion risks?
- SenPay uses both manual and automatic transaction scan tools to manage transaction risks effectively.
How does SenPay process with chargeback?
- Merchants must present bills or invoices to prove their goods or services provided.
To avoid risks, the merchant’s Terms & Conditions for supply goods must clear on the website. - SenPay will advise merchants on the risk managing process and disputing procedure.